Old Web Designs
Redesign of the at the time biggest German website about the Finnish band Negative. The page was designed in Photoshop and coded partly in HTML and PHP with CSS.
Thoai Hong Thu
Official website of the singer and songwriter thoai-hong thu. the page was designed in Photoshop and coded in HTML.
Suomi Rocks
Redesign of the info portal for Finnish rock music for bands and fans. This project was a collaboration with Kristina Mayorova and miscellaneous writers, reviewers and photographers. The page was designed in Photoshop and used the CMS system SimpleCMS.
Gemini Five
Redesign of a website about the Swedish band Gemini Five which is run by Denise. The page was designed in Photoshop and coded in HTML with CSS.
Photography Portfolio
Artworks and portfolio website of Simone Stefanini. The page was designed in PhotoShop and coded in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Mitsubishi Electric Europe
Redesign of the European and German portal of Mitsubishi Electric as well as the homepages of the divisions Air Conditioning and Photovoltaic.